Sunday, July 10, 2011

String Theory Challenge

I know my posts have been catch-as-catch-can recently. I'll be more regular once the new granddaughter arrives. So many things that have to be done!

I'm late again this week, but I liked this Challenge from I am the Diva a lot. Guest Host Sue Jacobs challenges us to use an actual string with a weight on the end to create our String.

As I thought about this one, I knew Exactly what I wanted to use as a weight: and old favorite pendant. I thought of stealing a bit of yarn from the teddy bear I'm knitting, but ended up with a llightweight chain attached to the pendant by one end:

The "Willendorf-style" goddess is a favorite of mine, since our body-styles are so similar   ; D
 My daughter calls her a "fertility goddess," but to me she is a Matriarch: she has borne children, lived life, and is comfortable and powerful in her Self: a beautiful, mature Woman.

I created two Zentangles with strings created this way, and both with just a touch of the Goddess. Of course, all my work has something of her creativity, I just put a little extra thought into my tangle selection.

For the first, the spider-webby look of Betweed, and a quasi-representational use of Tipple (along with Striping, Dex, and Drupe)

For my second, slightly larger than tile-sized, piece, I had a very circular space, that I was deciding what to do with. I put my sketch book away last night, and when I woke up this morning I knew what it needed:


Now the Labyrinth is not a Tangle, but this one can be drawn in a series of very tangle-like steps. I'll post them for you tomorrow. In the meantime,  you go have a look a the photo at my Friend's blog. This is a photo of a labyrinth we created on a NC beach a couple of years ago. It was Awesome!

More on labyrinths tomorrow.

And to Laura-the-Diva and little Artoo, blessings and Healing Energy! Hope you're all home again soon!


  1. I love your goddess. She seems so familiar ;-)
    We have another thing in common, my daughter is expecting too! Good luck!

  2. I'm still working on one for this challenge. I remember the day we bought our matching Goddesses and I love seeing her represented here. Excellent.
